Popular Indian streaming platform ULLU App has launched a new web series titled “Jane Anjane Mein”, which promises to enthral the viewers with its sensuous storyline and bold scenes.
The series stars a talented cast of Bharti Jha, Hiral Radadiya, Kailash Vyas, Litesh Pawar, and Raj Kapoor in lead roles. The direction is helmed by Pradeep Ghonsikar, known for his previous work in the bold genre.
The story of Jane Anjane Mein’s web series is of Deepa and her husband and Rohan, Deepa and her husband are both petty crooks who sell stolen and smuggled goods in the village.
Deepa’s life changes dramatically when Rohan, a young man from the city, meets Deepa by chance and starts working with her, only to realize an attraction between Rohan and Deepa.
This series is presented through the ULLU app, which has a user-friendly interface and is accessible for learning.
Since the presentation of series like Jane Anjane Mein is on the platform, the ULLU app is now getting more publicity and the number of views is increasing.
Also Read: Jane Anjane Mein 6 Part 2 Web Series Download
The series is now available to stream on the Ullu app, known for its bold and provocative content. With its power-packed performances, gripping storyline, and intense atmosphere, Jane Anjane Mein is sure to be a hit among thriller genre fans.
Also Read: 18+ Watch Online Jane Anjane Mein Web Series All Episodes
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